
Thursday, October 31, 2013


obviously I am a Muslim and celebrating Halloween are not my tradition or culture. (need to clear you guys on that first). however I never object to any culture or tradition (...and on that too) 

I actually interested by the celebration of Halloween, I mean like, "oh look, they celebrate ghost? I thought they were scared of that?" well, to be diplomatic, I explain to myself, we are all humans and we are not the same.

well if don't know what Halloween is ( ada kan orang main sembarang jak celebrate benda2 gini, knowledge satu hapa pun tiada ) go search for them in Google, buat rugi jak beli henpon leptop mahal2 tapi penggunaan ilmu seciput. *tidak, aku tidak marah*

mengikut pacik Wikipedia kita tu haa, aku bagi simple la okeh, Halloween is a Christian celebration to remember the dead. simple kan? itu jak.. yang Wikipedia melalut panjang2 tu pasal origin dia. malas baca, aku highlight ja benda penting. so, alaa. macam kalo ko sambut betday orang, kan mesti ada upacara makan kek.... upacara palit kek d muka orang lain (terutama birthday boy/girl/woman/man/datuk/tan sri etc etc), apa lagi... haa gitu la jugak..

to make the celebration more alive they crave the pumpkin, go for costume parties, told ghost stories and premiering ghost stories on tv. I hate the last one. I hate horror movies. I dont know why adik aku suka betul tu.

So da paham? jadi kepada yang menyambut tu..... dinasihatkan kalo menyambut berpada-pada sikit ek. keep it under control. to other muslimin and muslimah out there,mohon jangan mau mengada sambut sana. merasa la penampar sebijik karang.

sebelum saye mengundur diri, saye tinggal kan anda dengan serangkap pantun sasterawan.

copy dan mohon sebarkan ke seluruh pelusuk tandas serata negeri.


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