i just watch history channel a moment ago..i have this thing kalo aku tgok history channel, mesti melekat punya depan tv sampai habis ceta tu, which i find it good? hahaha.. eh, that's not the point lah.. okay, okay, back on track.. i just watch '' The Trial of Saddam Hussein'' which is very interesting to me la since ceta pasal trial that late Saddam i never take notice,.alih2 da tau dia da kena gantung.. so aku pun xamik kisah since i never knew he was charged on what. mc budak2 lg ba masa tu..hehehehe... so, skrg baru da tau la late saddam kena tuduh sebab apa.. 1st, he was accuse for planned murder at dahjil, iraq if im not mistaken, ramai aa kena bunuh...then at ahnul if thats the name ka...aku pun xbrapa pasti nama tempat tu but all in iraq la....obviously....hihi..
so, all trial, americans were actually involve in the process.The trial went out bad in my opinion, sbb there's problem along all of his trial process. and ada campur tgn politik (under new president) dlm trial tu which i don't think its appropriate. bila ada campur tgn politik baru, diorang mo hukuman gantung late saddam dipercepatkan from months to that weekend. and then dekat2 nak last da ceta tu dia tunjuk video which not shown in public how late dictator on rope. aiyoo.... i think the image will haunt me for a few hours from now, or maybe days.huhuhu...
why am i telling u all this stuff?adaka sa bingung? mungkin...:P adakah saya penyokong late saddam? tidak...sa bukan sokong atau pun benci dia. bila sa tgok ceta gitu, bikin sa berpikir, adakah kita cukup adil untuk menghakimi dan menentukan nyawa seseorang? aku nda pikir penglibatan politik tu satu perkara bijak sbb basically, penghakiman tu sendri dicemari oleh perkara yang personal yang akan mempengaruhi pengadilan terhadap seseorang. late saddam kena hina ms dia d tali gantung, even after his death people were cheering for it... thats not actually good judgment la....i think... adil atau tidak, baik kita pikir sendri la... we have laws, but laws were made by human, and human were just being human.. we are all influence by our feelings, emotions... if they were saying that late dictator were a murderer, then, it seems to me that they were as same as well..just as same as what the dictator did....
ps- haha..tiba2 ceta sal politik issue pla.. just something for us to share our thoughts... because once said "those who cannot remember the past, are condemn to repeat it...." (xtauler kalo aku sala eja condemn....wawawawa)
peace, no war~~~
gosep gel...(hahahahaha)
1 comment:
uissshh A ni klu ambil criminal litigation tau nis! hehe :)
betullah apa ko tulis. seharusnya cabang kehakiman harus tidak menerima sebarang campur tangan ataupun tekanan mana2 cabang lain sama ada eksekutif ataupun cabang perundangan. Rasionalnnya; absoulute power corrupts absolutely -Aristotle kata. Kiranya berlaku juga, seperti dalam Kes Saddam Hussien, maka terjadinya proses keadilan yang menindas dan menekan.
Jadi pentingnya Pemisahan Kuasa antara tiga cabang: eksekutif,kehakiman dan perundangan untuk menggelakkan penindasan dna penganiyaan. :)
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