
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Im back on track!

I have been busy on the early week of January. Now, exam were over, I am free and back on blog! Sorry I have been missing out few stories of life. this post suppose to be up last last LAST week, but I was enjoying my time at home.......yep. i sound boring. -_-

So, here's the story, since exam is over, the craziest soon-to-be teachers are arranging a hangout day for a surprise birthday party for Fred and Alvin, also to hangout and having fun. and we meant fun SERIOUSLY. hahaha. We went for karoke-ing at Karamunsing, then go bowling at CP, after that spending times at Tanjung Aru. we had so much laughter that at the end of the day, I go exhausted just by laughing.

beginila. i let the picture tell the stories k.:) 

all of the crew.

birthday boys!
suda abis karoke, went to Centre Point for bowling!

end the day by watching the sunset, together!
so, the entire day was a fun day. after this, some of us might not see each other that often because sesetengah ada praktikal, and we're at the most end of semester before practical, so this is going to be remembered. I have fun, and I love these people. I hope this friendship would last forever!

thats all folks. see ya!

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